浆果高附加值产品研发关键技术及工艺研究 国家重点研发计划 2016—2020
沙棘成分分析及指纹图谱构建 省重点研发计划 2019—2022
笃斯越桔中抗氧化活性物质单体分离及相关功能研究 省联合引导 2019—2022
中-欧越桔多酚类物质结构及其靶向功能研究 省院所基本应用技术研究专项 2018—2019
蓝靛果花色苷抗肝癌功能构效关系研究 院基金杰青 2019-2020
一种笃斯越橘花色苷的提取方法(ZL 2014 1 0641033.4)
一种从暴马丁香中提取橄榄苦苷的方法(ZL 2015 10055056.1)
一种提高笃斯越橘花色苷保存率的方法(ZL 2015 1 0188396.1)
一种提高栽培蓝莓北陆果实中多酚类物质含量的方法(ZL 2017 1 1321182.2)
Zhou Liping, et al.Potential applications of polyphenols on main ncRNAs regulations as novel therapeutic strategy for cancer. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2019,113.
Li mengsha, et al.Photosynthetic adaptability in mature and young leaves of Medicago sativa . Seedlings under transplanted condition From greenhouse to sunlight. Bangladesh Journal of Botany.2019,48(3).
Zhou Liping, et al. Anti-tumor properties of anthocyanins from Lonicera caerulea ‘Beilei’ fruit on human hepatocellular carcinoma: In vitro and in vivo study Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2018,104.
Wang Hua, et al. Ionic liquid–lithium salt based microwave pretreatment followed by ultrasonic-assisted extraction of syringing and oleuropein from Syringa reticulate var 2016,8(7)
王化,等. HPLC法同时测定赤芍中9个活性成分的含量 中草药 2018(3)